Modern style (art Nouveau) in interior design

Modern modern always young, always new and always different style. If you look at history, it becomes clear that the modern has always existed, in all ages of the formation and development of art design and architecture. In each of these eras of art Nouveau embodied something new, modern and unusual.
This style is probably the widest, most diverse and most used in practice. Sometimes he collects and combines the particles of other styles, usually the best, thus forming a brand new original composition.
Also the feature of modernity is the fact that it is constantly updated and expanded. The universality of modernity is that it can realize different design ideas and mood, depending on the chosen theme and wishes of the owner. A suitable style to any room in the apartment or house, restaurants, cafes and hotels also rarely executed in modern style.
Key features and distinguishing characteristics of style modern modern:

No rules, restrictions, and stereotypes (democracy). Style expresses individuality and uniqueness of each person.
Original designer furniture which not only beautiful, but comfortable and practical.
Used completely different combinations of colors (more successful used more often, at least a good frequently).
Floors and ceilings are often bright. The walls are painted or finished with Wallpaper.
Windows in a contemporary style can be very different shapes and colors.
Welcome fresh flowers and plant motifs in the patterns on the fabrics.
Also used delicate hardware, inlay, and other unusual decorative items.
Fireplaces in the modern style make stylish and also tidy.
Massive or light colored chandeliers that are created from modern materials – glass, plastics, and metal alloys.
The furniture in the interior is to hide the appliances, dishes and personal belongings, work surfaces should be open and not cluttered.
Modern electronic equipment is used, but not paraded.
In one room you can meet dozens of varieties of modern building materials.

The modern style is one of the most free and versatile styles in the design. It can combine the incompatible artistic trends and colors. It embodies luxury, comfort and ease at the same time. Interior design in modern style, always beautiful and always practical.
In this style, you can decorate any room or the whole house (apartment) immediately. The main thing is a good idea, which sets the mood of the entire house and reflects the aesthetic tastes and preferences of its owners. The art Nouveau design is generally understood and well accepted by the guests.
It should be noted that any manifestation of unusual design thinking in the modern world also belongs to art Nouveau. And even the rooms that were not created on the principles and ideas of a certain style, too, belong to this style.

20 Photos of the Modern style (art Nouveau) in interior design