Living Room Designs With Fireplace

The fireplace is considered the focal point of the living room and gets quite functional during the winter season or in those chilly evenings. It is good that this area is designed in an inviting way. The mere stone surround may not bring out this effect, which requires that one consider using the modern designs to make it striking. The good thing is that you can locate the fireplace anywhere in the living room and get to enjoy the cosy feeling while the house warms up not forgetting the beautiful look it adds to your room: no rules for positioning! Traditionally, these places were built mainly of stones and bricks. Today, you are more likely to find them made of marvel and glass; but only the materials may be different but designs could still be the same with the traditional ones. Fireplaces happen to be that detail which tells of the purpose of a modern room: being a home!

About the contemporary fireplace designs

Many modern designs are quite popular today. However, your choice will highly depend on your tastes. It might be quite difficult to get one that fits into your budget while at the same time blending with your room. Improved technology used in the modern fireplace designs make them more energy efficient saving more on energy costs. One is free to choose between having the direct-vent fireplace or the direct-vent inserts placed at the existing fireplace. For these vents, you do not have to worry about the design of your fireplace because they work with any of the designs. They will be able to retain warmth and radiate heat while removing the combustible elements of the fire.

modern fireplace design

Modern fireplace ideas

When getting a fireplace for your living room, you will need to be sure that your investment will pay at the end. What ideas can help you make the best decision? Well, we have a few ideas that can work for you.

The curved stone fireplace

Its neutral colour palette and the straight lines may have you thinking that this design is quite boring. However, a good look at the design reveals details that are quite interesting. One good feature is the curved stone of the façade, which gives the hard edges a softer feel. This one will work with just about any home.

Mirrored glass fireplace

If you are after a stunning design, then you got a choice here. The glass chimney carries all the emissions and never at any time will you experience obstructed view through your glass windows. The base has a mirror finish you may end up thinking it is a floating fire. This finish also opens up your floor plan.

fireplace design

There are many other designs including the update on the tradition fireplace, wood-column burning fireplace, linear divisions and the narrow oval: of course, the list is endless. It is good to note that the fireplace is not only meant for the living room. You can have it in any room where you spend much of your time including the bedroom.

Check out this video with more fireplace design ideas:

7 Photos of the Living Room Designs With Fireplace

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