Style loft in the interior

Loft style became especially popular in modern design of residential areas of large towns and cities. It is a young and original style, which came to us from the West. The Motherland of loft is considered to be the heart of new York, a legendary Manhattan. There he was born in the early twentieth century, acquiring its unique characteristics under the influence of the young and talented people of that time.

The origin of the style

Loft style in the interior”Loft” in translation from English – “attic, attic”) – affected by the difficult economic conditions of the twentieth century. In new York, released thousands of square meters of production facilities and the upper floors of large buildings. It was very affordable housing, and tried to learn under workshops young and talented inhabitants of the metropolis. And ordinary young people relished the idea of space and original design projects of apartments without any restrictions.
Loft in the interior
History is silent about the author of the basic concept of style, whereby, areas with factory paraphernalia remained intact. Massive metal systems, pipes, stairs, concrete, brick walls, everything was left untouched. They not only tried to hide, but rather focused on such an original decision in the design of the dwelling. But it is easy to guess that in addition to creativity, it was dictated by the material situation of young artists and musicians. With minimum cost and effort – the maximum of freedom and uncluttered space.
Key features modern loft style and design projects of apartments in this style.

Over time, such minimalism has acquired all the benefits of civilization. With the popularity of the loft-style acquired the elements of glamor and luxury. Modern apartment in this style are not devoid of beauty and comfort. In such areas harmoniously blended and expensive designer furniture and ultra modern appliances, and Antiques. And now, even in spacious country homes the most fashionable thing is to recreate the atmosphere of industrial new York is 40 years.

Who suits the style

Loft style chosen by young modern people of big cities and creative people, students, musicians, young couples. It is easy to create in a Studio apartment or any other spacious room. This style categorically rejects any peregorodki piers, some design projects of apartments doing with glass partitions. All openly and transparently. Every corner of the room should be viewed from anywhere in the apartment or house. Whether it is a kitchen, dining room, bedroom, office or living room. The exceptions are the bathroom and WC.

The basis of style

Style loft in the interior, in fact, quite impersonal. It is unpainted walls without plaster, and other coatings, open ventilation and water supply, the abundance of metal, glass, concrete, heavy products from natural wood. In this case, all standard. But the decorating of this style is a difficult task. This can be clearly seen by looking at ready-made design projects of apartments loft-style, performed by our leading experts.


The loft is one of the few who despite the seeming simplicity and brevity, it combines so many different ideas and concepts. This room should be quite a lot of modern technology, antique furniture and art, fashion decor items. Another key feature of the loft style in the interior – an abundance of natural and artificial lighting. The room should be filled with light both day and night. So the Windows in these rooms – huge, from floor to ceiling. And lighting take up less space than the decor in each room.
The loft-style, like many modern and creative people, characterized by: creativity, freedom in everything, the absence of all superfluous and unnecessary, love everything new and reverent attitude to the antiquities, innovative solutions while creating comfort and coziness in the modern rhythm of life of the city. The most current trends and fashion design solutions can be safely used when creating the spaces in this original and unique style.

20 Photos of the Style loft in the interior

fabulous loft style decor