Remodeling bathroom and a living room

What do you think the interior of an apartment are most important to the life of its owner? Bedroom? Kitchen? Maybe the bathroom or living room? On matters of this nature, it is very difficult to give a clear answer. Internally, each room of the apartment in is important and essential, but to highlight the major elements, without which full human subsistence seems impossible, possible. If you look objectively – the bathrooms and living room as the main living room of the apartment, have the highest degree of importance.
To paint the importance of toilets for the sustenance of man, will be at least a waste of time. This engineering a host, by their target importance, superior to all other types of interior.
Living room, in turn, is the face of the apartment which determines its comfort and home atmosphere. The most universal type interior, which can replace the bedroom and dining room with kitchenette and office. The condition of the interior must fully comply with all the desires of the landlord. Living area, interior design, comfort – all should be at the highest level.
In the case where such satisfaction with their apartment, there is no need to resort to special methods for solving such problems. The activities of the redevelopment is the optimal way to create from what you have the house of your dreams. Increase your living space, creating unique interior, improving the functional features of your apartment, it is handled by redevelopment.
Remodeling a bathroom opens to the owner of the apartment is a large space for imagination, limited only by his financial capacity. The extension of the bathroom, demolition of walls, connecting with other rooms and many other possible ways competent redevelopment.
The one and only problematic issue when remodeling a bathroom is the availability of the specific location of utilities, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the bathroom.
Remodeling the living room, for example, allows the owner to create a unique interior, one of the main rooms of the apartment, expressing the overall style and atmosphere of your home. Transform plain living room in a panel building, with redevelopment, to create luxury apartments that will be the pride of the owner of converted flats.
Remodeling the living room like any other room in the first place aimed at improving the level of comfort and usability of the room in the required order.
Living room if you wish, you can combine with kitchen (most frequently used case of combination), with a hall or bedroom. Importantly, the living room remains a living room, and allowed simple and fun to welcome guests and spend your time.

20 Photos of the Remodeling bathroom and a living room